It's Friday! And my day off!

I woke up at 10:30, Finally had some decent sleep!! Then after Hatul went off to work I cleaned the kitchen and now I sat to blog a little~ I still have a lot of stuff to do today! The apartment is a mess, We had NO TIME this week and it shows~
Anyway! Wanted to tell you a little bit about my week!
It's nothing too much, Mostly work, But still w

So since I'm working at different branches now, And working very close with my commercial managers, I have to pay attention to a lot of things and one of them is the way I dress, Yes:O It's something that I realized after longer then I should, How much you're being judged and the impression you leave in my company by the way you look and dress. It's common knowledge that when you work in an office you should dress up office appropriate you need to look professional and so on, And since I don't work in an office I always thought those dressing codes doesn't have anything to do with me well guess what

It's just that, The codes are different. I need to look trendy, Fashionable, Presentable and so on. I never payed to much attention to current trends in the way I dress, Just when I coordinate my department. But Now I realized, After a little remark I got from my big boss, That I need to start doing just that.
Well, Let me tell you something about
and 2021 trends:P

As much as I love working for this brand and I think it's one of the top brands of current fashion if not the best one (imo), I rarely buy anything during the season. My wishlist has so many Japanese brands and I can get them for such affordable price that it feels stupid to get something from Zara for double or triple the price and to see every normie wearing it after that in the street
. Plus, It's rarely something that I look at and say OMG I NEED IT. What I buy at Zara during the season and sale are usually shoes and pants. But this is not a good thing, I need to represent the product I'm selling, Or at least, Keep in trend to show I know what I'm talking about!

Imagine if I went to work in full d.i.a or Ma*rs!!
It might be the perfect look for a different workplace like if I would work at a bar or an alternative shop cause then you can look flashy and show your personality, But in my job what sells is trendy, And I hate 2021 trends!w

But you know what, As I was looking at it closely and thinking about it, I don't really hate those trends. I see a lot of 60s, Preppy, Amekaji, and even some Himekaji sometimes! Then I realized I don't have to start buying all Zara to wear the trends like I'm expected to, Cause I have all the clothes alreayXD
That's why this week I chose my outfits very carefully, And even though they are of course Gal inspired, They had to be in trend too! You'll be surprised with how much this was a game changer for me, As well as doing my makeup every day.
It might sound obvious to some people, But I never looked at it like this. cause I always felt like.. It's full on gal make or nothing, But I had to change the way I think! And it worked!
So let me show you 3 examples of my outfits this week and tell you a little about why I chose them!
First I had this co*de, As always it's Tsu-chan inspired and it's amekaji with rokku elements (my fave)
Plaid shirt...Shinjuku ALTA
Shoes...ACDC Rag brand brand
Point! Yellow & Denim blue
Inditex (Zara, Bershka, P&B...) always has Disney collabo and wearing Micky Mouse, Especially as TRF VC is vert trendy w
I love it cause Micky
is one of my faves! The color is also trendy (pastels) and the Edwin denim that I of course never intended to be trendy in when I got it, Is just like all the straight leg denim that Zara had this year and you see everyone wearing w

The shoes- that I have for years- Are also trendy now! Combat boots and Dr. Martine's style shoes were super popular in F\W and they always came in black and then if you're cool you'll get it in white w
Then another coordinating point is the plaid shirt; 90's is still very trendy and flannel shirts are seen at every department in Zara w
See what I mean? Looking super trendy without even trying cause what they wear now is what we wore for years cause we are gals!
Then the next one was super fun to do and I'm so happy that it's a trend now~ Preppy style!
Preppy is an American college style that if I remember correctly became popular in the 50s and 60s, And you can see A LOT of it in gyaru too! Preppy is so Tsu chan and I just love that I can' wear all the stuff I got for my Tsu chan inspired looks and to be considered trendy wwwwww
Shoes...SHIEN brand
This coming season Zara made a lot of those initial patches and prints on hoodies, Jackets, etc. They also have a 60's preppy collection that I just LOVE, It's all pink and light blue, With a little bit of lilac
purple*0* Love ittt

But the preppy style I went for is the more boyish type~ Cardigan over poplin shirt and plaid Bermuda shorts is very 2008~2009 Tsu chan but also very 2021, Amazing w
Another thing is the vivid color of the cardigan and the color combo~ If I went the easy way I would coord this cardigan with white blouse under it, Or I would wear the other colorway I have of this cardigan that Is off white, But I felt like that pink cardigan with the light blue shirt will be cuter!
Then there's this co*de that is completely different w
Wearing my 1999 Cocolulu items

Sweat pants...Cocolulu
Sneakers...Primark brand
Super casual super comfy, Was wearing that on a rainy morning~~~
The trends you can see in this outfit are:
-90s fashion
-Flare pants
-color combo
Just yesterday when I was wearing it, We got new items and one of them was a jersey suit in those exact colors! The rainproof fabric is really popular and since now there is a big trend of wearing sweatpants in a fashionable way (forreal) I thought it could look cute to wear them together, As the colors match!
Would you believe this outfit could be trendy in 2021?? Well, I wouldn't, But here we are~
I hope I didn't bore you to death with all my rambles.
For me this is very challenging and I love fashion challenges~ How to look gal and keep with recent trends!XD
Also, Next week Jun & me are making a presentation about S\S denim and we worked really hard on it this week! We have a lot to study..
Me wanting to die in the styling room

(yes, I'm wearing uniforms! The outfits I wear are for before and after my shift, And those small moments are as I said super impornat!XD)
Again, Sorry for this long mendoukusai post!XD
Have a lovely weekend!

That's so cool! I absolutely hate todays clothing. I know there are some who have fashionable pieces that can work for gyaru BUT I personally think, jfashion just has a lil smth that's completely different from western fashion or is it just me? Sometimes it is the tiny details, like heart buttons instead of normal ones, ruffles or gold chains with it idk. I just prefer of my 2021 resolutions was to buy more locally and it's so hard..especially now during lockdown, we are 3 months in and I still didn't succeed that lol
返信削除I also hate today's clothing>< I mean there are some cute stuff but mostly ugly and the style itself like the coords of today's kids are ugly af www
削除I agree with u about the brands, Jfashion pieces are so much more cute and detailed, I feel like some people would find it ugly or childish but that what I love about it!
I thought this was a really interesting post! I always wondered what the rules were in Zara because when I used to work in a clothes store, I was only allowed to wear clothes from that store (apart from like... plain things like vests and jeans). I do love how you managed to reflect today's trends in your own, super gal way! <3
返信削除Thank you so much!^^
削除I really wish one day I'll get promoted and won't have to work in uniforns. right now the VC has to wear uniforms and the outfits I wear "to impress" are only in between shifts when they see me come to work and leave, And that's a big deal of it's own! But if one day I won't have to wear uniforms I'll have to do the same like you and wear only the clothes from Zara and I'll have to try and make it gal too cause ofcXD
I totally understand you. It´s so sad that in many cases people are looking at your through your clothes and if they don´t like your style, they won´t probably like you either .. Especially at different workplaces ... People should mind their own bussiness, style and be more open-minded ... 🌸
返信削除Blog de la Licorne *
I agree! I feel like my own style can sometimes be seen very childish and weird to people I work with, But also I understand that when you work in fashion you need to be you and show your own style but YOU HAVE to be trendy too~~
削除Wow! That had to have been rough. I never worked in a clothing store but what you said makes sense. So I think if I ever did work in a clothing store, it would def be a place I really like. I don't really wear anything from these last few years cause of my gal closet lmao but loving how you challenged yourself to bring those same clothes into what's trendy now!
返信削除Thank you!^^
削除tbh I feel like it's a challenge and I'm having fun with it! I love fashion challenges, That's why I also change my boom once in a while to challenge myself in different styles^^