I was writing this post yesterday but right in the end my laptop died!!!
The charger was dead so I couldn't charge the laptop

But now I got a new charger so it's ok lolol
Wanted to make a post about this week's Akipoyo meet

We planned to go to the central station for some shopping and then to go and check this new Sushi place that has opened in Tel Aviv~
My makeup and look that day was inspired by a few thingsXD First of all, 2007~2010 Tsubasa Masuwaka is MY BOOM yet AGAIN so thisXD My make was inspired mostly by her
Used more natural lower lashes for this
Diamond Lash Nudy eye~
And brown lenses this time
I wanted to wear my new exte but I washed then in the morning and I didn't have enough time to dry put and style themXD So kept my hair short, But that worked with the look that I was going for, That was inspired also by Suzu
(Akichu would know) and Hiki from Hysterical gyarusa (Akichu definitely knowsXD)

Also I wanted to wear orange blush but forgot that this is what I panned and put pink one lol but that okXD My make that day didn't came out the best
but it was alright~

This was the look that I planned but I changed some stuff last minute~
I was wearing a different wool hat, The one I got from DonDon Down in Shibuya, And white ACDC Rag boots instead of those black ones.
The tunic is from Tally Weijl, And Accessories are off brand and LOVE💓CHU~ Bag is of course

I arrived to Allenby street where I was supposed to meet Mayu & Noy
Noy was waiting for me there
Then Mayu arrived too and she was wearing the most adorable overalls!!!

I got coffee
and we took the bus to the central station~
There we met Innu and we went to the wig shop that I planned to go to but the girl working there was really rude so I was like "ok never mind bye" lol I hate when shop staff are rude for no reason

So I guess next time I'll get something from there.
Then we went to look for cute stuff to buy:D We all got this adorable lipgloss with the cute heart that is also lipgloss connected to it
I really like tube glosses!
I got the most adorableeeeeeee coat that looks like it's HbG
Tomorrow I'll make a get post and I'll have a good photo of it~
Innu & Ringo did a collabo! Peace & Glamour
After we bought everything we wanted we took the bus to Rothchild street where the
Sushi place was

It's a bit like a conbini where you can buy packed sushi and salads and stuff like that, And also there are cool Japanese products to buy and Poke that is made on the spot
The design is also really cute!

Super cute! I really liked it! I bought a vegetarian sushi roll and Edamame
They took a photo of us for their Instagram!
It says "Tokyo in Rothchild" lol
Recreating the ANAP photo lolol
Then we went to sit in our regular spot and Innu and me got sake too so we drank a littleXD
The sushi was reaaaally good!
Like the best I had in a while even?? And that's surprising cause it was packed, But I really liked it!

Then we did some parapara
Man I'm so rusty I need to work on my old parapara skills and also I really feel like learning some new dances!
It was really fun and so great to go out together again! I mean meeting at home is fun, But going out is always more fun for me~ We need to plan next week's meet:D
That's it for today's post!
I have a pretty busy week, Meeting a lot of people which I'm not used toXD But I guess it's a good thing to look forward to^^
Gonna go take a shower and sleep now, And see you tomorrow!
Good night!
返信削除I love yoir final co*de, very very cute and Hiki style!!
I recently got the nudy eye too ww so now I know these really do work to do Tsuchan 2007 makeup (that was my initial thought when I got them and the main reason lol)
Really want to see ur gets!!!!
And the oomai place reminds me so much of my beloved itsu in London TvT I always ate there, man can't wait to go back TT
返信削除I cut the Nudy eye a littttle bit tho so I might have forgot to mantion it! I usually cut like 1 lash of the bottom lash line~
I really want new bottom lashes tho:O I feel like someties those are even more important then the top onesXD A lot of the top lashes looks the same and then the bottom ones changes the whole eye shape and look.
I would love to visit that place in London, I miss England:(
Omg that's so awesome! This shop is so cute, I love it. And I really like the final look for the day. <3