
Halloween is over but there is still a mini Halloween meet with Akipoyo this week so I feel like it's not overXD
Today's post will be about last night's GoGo Halloween Party!

So yesterday after dinner I got ready to the Zoom meet we planned~ I made dinner myself:O rare
Kuri gohan (chestnut rice) and Kabocha no nimono (simmered kabocha squash) I'm still all about the seasonal food:D Finally did something with kuri like I wanted~

long time no kigurumin
Kve unwillingly wearing his Halloween costume
I did my
a little more colorful but no blood or anything I didn't have time lol

Purple eyeshadow & orange blush:P not sure I liked it too much but I keep doing the no droop makeup lately and I like it~ 

Eating leftover kabocha purin

So we started the zoom and slowly more and more people joined^^ I really like our weekly zoom meets!

Everyone looked so cute and I had so much fun talking to everyone until late at nightXD We even tried karaoke but failed lol it was a mess but it was hilarious

I'm so happy we had this meet my Halloween was really great and I felt it wasn't wasted like I was afraid it will be cause of coronaT_T Thank you gals for making my Halloween so great:D

We were talking for hours lol so at some point I was way too hot and couldn't stay with my kigu anymore lolol Israel weather........................................

After the hisalo I'm going with Hatuli to do some grocery shopping at the cool Asian shops in Tel Aviv
Well, I better finish now cause I still have some things to do before I go out:P

I reallyyyyy want a kigu. Especially a Lion or Raccoon one! Yours is so cute and I love how you did your make. ^_^ The food sounds delicious! I'm glad you had a good Halloween! My partners and I and all of our pets just relaxed, gamed and ate good food, hehe.
返信削除That sounds so fun!^^
削除In Israel we don't really celebrate Halloween officially so it's more of a friends thing then familyT_T So I feel lucky that I could see them on zoom at least!
And u an buy kigu on eBay or Aliexpress^^ They have really cute ones! I want Doraemon and Pooh:D
Hi! It's your annoying number one fan AGAIN
返信削除Your halloween dinner is pretty much a fave of mine, fall food is the best TvT (specially japanese w)
As u may know, I freakin' loved your look, kiguruki kei is always a win + it's super comfy. I get u with the fuckin' weather not being fall apropiate at all T_T I ended up sweating too ww it's too warm ( but u like that, u are a summer gal after all)
I can't wait to see the akipoyo meet pics~~ tanoshimiiiii
削除Also yeah I don't wanna omplain that it's hot cause I know the second it will get older I'll be all grumpyXDDD But I just kinda wish I could wear my winter clothes already yknowXDDDD
YOU ARE SO CUTE AAAAAH! I love your Halloween look! I really want to get one for next year!
返信削除Your food looks so yummy! I don't like chestnut either though xD
返信削除I LOVE your look. Seems like every gal was in a kigu this Halloween xD I was too but without makeup since I was super lazy potato. Loving the current eye make you have. I love all them though ;_;