
Today I'm gonna finally blog about my new extensions!

I received them already like 2 weeks ago but it took me a while to understand exactly what to do with themXD
The day I got them Innu was at my place so she helped me try them on for the first time, So that helped a lot! I knew I had to get a hair cut cause my old haircut REALLY didn't blend well with the exte
But first of all, This is what I got!

I'll share the link in the end of the post.
I ordered them from Aliexpress from ShowCoco; They had a good selection and prices!
This is what you get in the box:
Color: Chestnut Brown
Weight: 200g
Length: 20 cm
You get: 3 stripes of 4 clips, 3 of 3, 2 of 2 and 2 of 1 clip.
Better photo of the color
You also get 2 colorful clip exte and 2 extra clips
It was a struggle to select the color but in the end even though it's not a 100% match to my hair color I really like it!
The chestnut brown is not so brown so be careful if you have a darker hair then mine, You better take the darker shade. Also, It has a pink tint that I actually LOVE but it's important to mention cause maybe some people are not interested in that. The color I considered were this one and the lighter one "strawberry blonde" and thank god I didn't take it cause if that's the chestnut brown the other one must be super super light.
I took the 200g and weight it and it was 201g, But including the clips, so the hair itself probably weight less, Which explains why they are a little thin, However, They look really good and natural after you wash them once, Cause they become fluffier and less shiny
. Of course they exte are human hair.

This was the first time I put them on with my exte cut that Emi gave me
You can see there is a small difference in the shades of the exte and my hair, But it gives a cool look imo! Also, I never intended to look like that's my real hairXD There is something about the look of obvious exte that I like, And many gals have that. I find it cool I don't know why lol

So as I said, I washed the exte before I used them again and that did a big difference!
Thank you again Inna for explaining me how to do that lolol

Before I washed them
You can see that they look fuller and fluffier and not so shiny which blends better with my hair. I though the pink tint will come off after I washed them but it didn't. Again, It doesn't bother me at all but worth considering if that's the color you're going for.
I give this exte 9\10 only cause they sell 200g without mentioning that includes the clips:P But I am very happy with them
and I recommend for everyone that are looking for new exte in a good price (less then 100$).
Also to add one thing- I took the 200g cause my hair is superduperextra thick, If your hair is not so thick, 180 will be good for you, If it's thin even less. But if you have my hair thickness I recommend on minimum 200g and even better that you take more.

You can check them out here!
I really hope this review helped anyone! I was looking for exte for so long and I'm so pleased I finally got some and I love them

That's it for my review, See you in my next post^^
You look so pretty!!!! I love how these look on you.
返信削除GREAT 10/10!!!
返信削除and I agree, the pink tint is really cool I love it so muchhhhh
You are a 10 with and without exte ;) ofc
ps are the colorful ones they included good quality or just cheap plastic? I got some yellow ones in that kind of style from ebay and it was a disaster lol PURE PLASTIC
I’m loving that review. I was thinking about getting exte but didn’t know where or what to do with that. This is so informative! Thank you for sharing the store too. 🤗
返信削除They look amazing Georgieee! I was really looking forward to this review *o*
返信削除I love the pink tint on u!!💖
And I agree lol for my hair I need like 300g which is a pain in the ass cuz it gets expensive lololololol
I'll try to get some of these for myself ♥♥♥♥
Great review! Definitely helpful for anyone looking to get them. Love the colors too <3
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