Late good morning!
Today I wanted to tell you about the photoshoot I had last Friday~
I mentioned it in one of the previous posts, There was a Jfashion photoshoot with Yaniv Gadi which is a photographer I really like and worked with many times before, Mayu, Noy and me were in this photoshoot along with 3 other members of the Israeli Jfashion comm^^ We planned this photoshoot before the second lockdown and it was rescheduled so many times for months cause well.. COVID and all. But we finally did it and it was super fun!
The night before Mayu came to a sleep over cause she lives far away and the photoshoot was early in the morning. We did some preparations for the shoot with sugar scrub face mask, And Hatuli joined the funXD
I really liked this mask tbh I think I'm gonna get it too (Mayu brought it)

Don't eat the sugar scrub!
They actually did taste it and I told them not to lol and Mayu was like that's ok you can eat it!
Then we look at the back...

We stayed up way too late
cause we all sat in the kitchen just talking after eating dinner and it was really nice actually, But we slept very little which is never good before a photoshoot:P

The studio was so close to my apartment we could actually walk there which was really cool

We were a little bit lost lol cause I wasn't familiar with this part and streets lol we were late
But at least we got there before everything started and we were already with makeup and everything!

Just grabbed this dress to wear for the road and those boots that became my faves rn~ Super simple but I liked the look
The girls getting ready
Me still drinking my conbini coffee

I swear to you, This is one of the prettiest pieces of clothes that I ever owned!!!!
Set up...Roco
Boots...ESPE x OK
Accessories...AKP, LOVE💓CHU, $ store
Akipoyo with Nono

On the set, it was a little coldXDDD
Yaniv did solo pics for every look; Full body, Medium shot and details shot and I think there was some close up to the hair and make too but I can't really rememberXD Then he took photos of all the gals together and the Lolitas together~
99' PiyoBerry
Second look! I liked it but the first one was THE ONE
Wearing a glittery top I got from Hatuli's mom and those fancy looking pants from Bezalel market (not fancy at all)
Sandals are also Espe x OK and accessories are off brand, TOPTEN, Spinns and LOVE💓CHU

I'm not sure they looked too good on the photoshoot and I was a little worried about that
but hopefully it will be ok lol

The models with Yaniv

It was
fun and of course everyone there were people that I know and love so it was even more fun! I can't wait to see the photos*_*

Yaniv also said he wants to do a photoshoot for Akipoyo so that's something to look forward to^^
I didn't do a photoshoot in so long like the last one I did I wasn't even a model I was a stylist (tbh that's something I'm in general more comfortable with:X) so I was worried at first but I feel like this went really great and made me want to do another shoot!
Well that's it for this post and I'm gonna go wash some dishes lol Emi is coming over soon she's gonna give me a haircut!!:OO I'm a little nervous cause I always feel nervous before anyone mess with my hair lol it's a sensitive spot of mineXD I'm not like Innu lol she's like well if my hair falls off I'll be bald that kinda cool XD I will look like an egg
Anyway enoughXD It will be ok
So I will see you in my next post and hope you will have a lovely day

返信削除I'M D E A D!!!! ALL THE LOOKS ARE AMAZING?¿?!!¿!! LIKE H O W!?!¿!?!
My brain can't process www also the sugar scrub mask HAHAHAA
omg u all look like fashion angels and I can't!!!
Oh and if in the end there is an akipoyo photoshot I'll be blessed x100 years
Oh my gosh it looks like you had so much fun!!!! I absolutely can't wait to see the final photos! And I would love to see an Akipoyo photoshoot!
返信削除Why are you always so perfect!!!! ;o; I can't wait to see what the photos look like!!!! <3