I had a rough night idk why but I had nightmares
So I didn't sleep so good and when I woke up I started doing stuff at home to make myself feel better lol and it worked I feel better now!

This morning felt very much like fall
, But now it got a little bit more sunny~
I wonder how it will be in the evening cause I'm going out and wondering what should I wear:O

I'm just sitting drinking coffee
and I finished doing some schedule organizing and such~

I bought those color markers at Daiso and they smell like fruits!! My favorite is the banana one
Least fave is grapes:[[

So here are the stuff that I got at the central station yesterday!
Glasses set! How adorable?? I feel like it fits perfectly to out kitchen:D
Some sticky hooks and oven mitt that looks very retro pop

Pooh organizer that I didn't know how much we needed until I got it

Small trash bin for my room! I was looking for something EXACTLY like that and was super surprised to see it there!
I love the gingham Kitty chan it feels very 1998
I'm becoming more and more obsessed with Hello Kitty 90s collections
cause they are soooooooo cute!!!! 1994~1998 are the best Kitty collections and I wanna get everything I can put my hand on from those yearsXD

Also the guy in the shop gave me this ring as a present!
So 99' right?T_T I love it!

I'm buying so many things for my home decor and not many clothes and accessories lately.. But I do have some stuff on the way~

I got some things from Shein and also my exte, And I got some fake Vivienne Westwood accessories tooXD
I really want to buy CL and some clothes from FRIL but rn I don't want to spend too much on those kind of stuff since I already have tons of clothes and it's not like I actually need new onesT_T
Anyway, Here is a Georgiekaji that I forgot to post from Saturday

Shoes...off brand

Accessories...TOPTEN, AKP
I'm waiting for the laundry machine but I also have some dishes to do so I better do it now:P Then I'll go pick my outfit for today!
Have a great day everyone<3
Yassss the scented markers! Lol fake grape is usually a favorite of mine (specially grape flavoured soda and stuff like that w)
返信削除Super love ur co*de ♡♥♡♥♡ w♡c amekaji kolls me TAT so perfect so simple yet so put together and cool!!!
Ur blog will be forever my inspo!!!
Hope u get to sleep better tonight, seems like that blie moon afected everyone in a weird way +~+
Oooh I didn't know there was a blue moon?:OO That makes sense tho
削除And omg thank youT_T I can say the same on your blog I live for your posts tbhXD
Also, as a kid I used to have grape soda cause that's what they give you in restaurants when you're a kid and I never liked it but it took me years to admit I HATE ITXDD
So glad you're feeling better. Sometimes you just need to jump into something you love!
返信削除Gotta go to my local Daiso to see if I can find those! (so happy I can say that now lmao) I need them :o
I'm loving everything about your place. And yessss 90s/2000s Kitty was my favorite and the one I grew up with!
Thank you dear;;<3
削除This week the Daiso in Dizi is open so I really need to go there to get some stuffXD It wasn't open since I moved!
Also Kittyyyyyyyyyy I totally grew up with the gingham\cherry Kitty and I LOVE IT!! I also love the retro Kitty with all the red and plaid^^