I don't even know why, I think I was kinda busy lol
I'm not even sure
Last week on the 19.11 was Hatuli's bday!

We planned a special dinner
so first thing we did was going to our favorite supermarket to get all the goods:D

My outfit was around this cardigan that Emi gave me, I loved the color so much it really fits my 2009 boom
Cardigan...got from Emi
Shorts...Lace Girl
Accessories...TOPTEN, fave Vivienne Westwood w
Point~ my lacy shorts
And my fake Vivienne
Oh! And before we left, Hatuli's present had arrived! Just in time!
At the central station~

I might have got some accessories there tooXD I just came across this really cool shop that had a lot of cute accessories and the guy there also gave me some free stuff lolol
And I got those 2 shushus :D The brown one is so teddy bearish
All the groceriesssssssssss:OOOOO
We went a little crazy
Finally got Daikon! It's a little hard to find in Israel
And purple lubia
Some preparations
I made dango! It's a little late for tsukimi but hey, It's still fall here:D
Also making some dipping sauces
The soup base was of course vegetables
Can you guess what we made? probably notXD
But last year on Hatuli's bday. We were in TokyoT_T
And I took Hatuli to my favorite Shabu Shabu place in Shibuya (Nabezo), So we decided this year we are also gonna eat shabu shabu, But home made!

We were watching Rilakkuma again and we finished the series AGAIN, I can't wait for the new one to come out!
For dessert we ate dango with anko<3
Then we fell asleep on the couch
XD We were so tired from the whole day plus we ate so muchhhhhhhh

I'm so happy we had a fun evening together for Hatuli's birthday, Even if it's not as special as going to Japan, It's always special when we do stuff together

Well, I'm gonna blog again tomorrow
, We already had 2 Akipoyo meets that I haven't wrote about?? omg w

So I'll see you tomorrow and hope you have a lovely rest of the day\evening~
Ahhhhh!!!! So awesome! I'm so glad you two got to enjoy the day together. Everything looks sooooo good <3
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