Hi Hi!

So a while ago I posted about the day Emi came to give me a

She cut my hair so it will blend better with the new exte I got (Review here) and I ended up loving the haircut so much I go out like this more then with my exteXD
Anyway, That day of course after the cut I tried my exte again to see if they blend better and of course they did!
It was before I washed them so they were still a little shiny and thinner them my actual hair but still looked good!
And here are 498573945739845 photos we took lol
Exte buddies
Then we saw Kve is being weird and I had a feeling he got this little guy that I saw earlier that day walking around the house so I checked and it was exactly what he did!!!! So we saved him and let him go out poor smol thing
Then we went to the conbini to get snacks

I mean I want to wear my winter clothes but that's it lol that's all it is about for me I don't enjoy rain or anything:XX Gloomy weather....
I hate it

Hatuli is at his parents' house and I'm joining him tomorrow so tonight I sleep alone at the apartment
Luckily I have Kve so I'm not completely alone~

Tomorrow morning there is a second hand sale in Tel Aviv and I hope it won't get cancelled :O I'm
supposed to go there with Innu and Noy and I reaaaaally hope it's happening cause that's the reason I stayed home tonight lolol I should find what to wear.

So that's it for this post, I wanted to blog twice yesterday but then Emi and me hang at my place and I didn't have time, I went to sleep so late w
So I guess more stuff to post about but the line is just getting longer XD
Well, Gonna go pick my outfit for tomorrow, Have a nice evening<3
Yay! I love your blog so much. And you look so beautiful with both short and long hair! Love those ANAP hoodies too! Where did you find them and do they have more colors? (And just to let you know if you were trying to link your exte review I didn't see the link)
返信削除Anap charisma sistrrdddd !!
返信削除The 175 random pics are the best part ofc lol
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