


left home a little later today
I wanted 30 more minutes to sleep w
and I don't have many things to do at work today cause flights are delayed again and no new delivery (again)

yesterday was my day off and I was woken up at 6:30 by the rocket alarms 
running to the shelter with all the neighbors (again)
then the I couldn't back to sleep so my day was kinda lazy
until I went out for some errands and met Innu, then she came by for coffee and it was nice☕️💗

I'm getting off soon so I'll just show you my outfit real quick

Pants...L.A. Idol
Sandals...local shop

super basic w

when I went out with Innu & Noichi the other day I got some cute things

love the kirakira makeup bag!
And the earrings are so cute too

well I really have to go
talk to u later!(^-^ゞ

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