Hi Hi~!
In today's post I wanna tell you about the most recent Senkura meet!
Senkura is the name for the Center Club- monthly meetings for gals and gal fashion lovers in Dizengoff Center TLV^^
we met at Mcdo and did our makeup~~
Or at least Danielle and me cause Innu & Noy already came with their makeup on, But there's always room for fix ups ww
Drinking vanilla milkshake<3
While doing my make I realized that I forgot my lenses at homeT_T I have bad luck with lenses lately, So I end up doing my makeup without them a lot of times:<
So this time as well~ Luckily I found out before I did the whole look so I decided on a "Natural" old school ganguro look~
Used Daiso e03 lashes for top and eBay ones for bottom:D
Also added a butterfly kirakira sticker which is the point or my makeup I thinkXD
As for the hair I'm kinda tired of trying to fight with it lol I just went on a natural fluffy hair with to small braids in the front~
Top...Alba Rosa
Pants...off brand
Belt...Alba Rosa
Phone charm...SBY
Accessories...TOPTEN, Present for Noy, off brand
That day two sweet girls came to film us to their student short movie about Akipoyo!^^ So nice of them to choose us!
The filmed us while we did the makeup:>
Some pics of the Senkura's activities XD
Look how cute Riyokumma is<3
There was a shot of our gyaru mess on the table so we took some pics of our own~
In this pic the pink phone is mine, as well as the Ruby Rose makeup bag + Hibi makeup bag, Keroppi wallet and leopard shushu
And Also my beloved cocolulu schedule and diy mirror and purikura album^^
I need to make a post about my stickers obsession XD
Organizing the mess
To take a shotXD
Innu <3
They also shot us at Sugar Rush and Innu tried on Minga flame setup
So casualXD

Phone buddies PiyoBerry

Baby meXD
That looks like tanned baby Jesus and not so much like me when I was little XD
After that we went to but some stuff at the $ store etc and finally went to chill on the floor and eat and talk and do some parapara which is always my favorite part at senkura meets
Cafe Masters
It was getting late and people started to leave and we were only the tree of us doing mischiefs at the Center
We took some purikura too!

And we put the extra ones for example inside the booth
And in the middle of the centerXD

Before going home~ I took off the butterfly and that made a butterfly mark in my makeupXD
I might use for other things lolol
I had sooooo much fun!

Hopefully we can meet again soon*0* I can't wait!

I'm now dying my hair (well I'm waiting to take the color off), Not a big change just my go to orange blond color lol I hope it turns out even
Last time I used the color I used to love last year (I always use Garnier hair dye kits) no.111 which is super light blonde with toner in it, And I remember I used to love the color I had with it, But well.. This time I didn't like the result it didn;t seem like the toner worked to much and the result was darker then I remembered, So I used again this time no.110 which is also super blonde color but without the toner and I hope I like it better. tbh my toner days are over I really like warm colors now:O
Anyway, I'll share the result tomorrow^^
For now, I wish you all a lovely evening<3

Everyone looks amazing as always! And I always fight with my hair during the summer/rainy months lol I give up too xD
I fight with it all year long!T_T
削除When I cut it last year I was happy with it but now it got so long yet still not as long as it was and idk what to do lol