It's Saturday, even though every day this week felt like Saturday:X
After 3 days my stomach FINALLY doesn't hurt, Which is a major improve, I felt so bad I couldn't do anything:( But now I feel genki again and I'm gonna try to do lots of things today!
In this post I wanna tell you about the last time I saw my gals, Who I miss alreadyT__T
They came to my apartment last Tuesday for tn indoor party!
This was my makeup~ Lashes but no lenses
All the 1999 trends~
This is my favorite one^^ Tiny face stickets!

Knit... FOX
Vest...off brand
Short...Shuk Bezalel
Necklace...LOVE BOAT
Loose socks...Donqi
All the snacks
We were sitting and talking for hours, Then after we ate many snacks we also ordered food lol

We look like the same person
Taking some selfies
We're all Mayu
I wish I was that phone
At some point this disgusting helicopter mosquito got in and I vacuum it,Then we saw another one and I tried to do the same but it flew away and the chaos was unbelievable XDDD

It started like this
Miyu rin & Ran pyon
All together now!
Wait who is missing?
A-K-P forever
No neck
I wish I could take one selfie in peace
Tatty heads!
I really miss our weekly meets:( This was always the day I waited for and I feel like now it's gonna be forever till we meet again:(

Maybe I'm dramatic but it feels so scary to go outside. Maybe it's not that scary cause we're being careful, but the press and my parents really make me nervous about everything:{

I hope things will get better soon, I really hope so..

But let's not sink into worries! I wanna stay genki.
Plans for today: Finish cleaning my bedroom, And taking pics of a cute idea I had for a post last night!^^ Stay tuned!:D

אני ממש מתגעגע (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
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