Hi Hi!
In today's post I really didn't know if I wanna make a special post or a normal one, But I think I wanna make a post about one of our last meets! We did another seifuku meet, It's really just super fun to wear seifuku:D
So that day I met Noy after work and we went to mcdo to do our makeup~ Then Emi joined us and then Innu
Super simple kogyaru makeup for that day~ I was really tired and also tbh I like this kinds of makeup with seifuku! no lenses or lashes

After Noy took some photos for Papillon, we went to eat late dinner at New Deli
Then after eating and spending time there lol
we went to Honolulu for the second time!
Honolulu is the Hawaiian bar I told you about a few posts ago~
Big flowers outside!
Feels like Alice in wonderland <3

It was Purim still so we didn't know but there was kind of a party in there, There was a DJ and the music was SO LOUD it was horrible
I took a Banana cocktail that was really yummy though
We sat right under the music and it was pretty terrible experience, Especially compared to the first time we went there when it was all very quite and fun and nice
All and all, It wasn't such a good experience this time:( I hope next time I go there it will be like the first time, Cause I really liked this placeT_T
Anyway, This was the Seifuku style of the day~ super casual & kakkoii
Loving my school bag sm!
School life 1999
Emi & I were doing the same seifuku style with our skuba (school bag) but unfortunately we don't have any photos~ Well, We would do it again when we can and take pics^^ When the quarantine is over ofc T_T
Today Emi & me wanted to make a makeup live together on Instagram But I woke up too late and we decided we'll do it tomorrow at noon^^
If you follow us on Instagram check it out! If not~

@georgie_piyo & @emiriichu !
See you next time, Stay safe!

You guys always make me wanna try kogal! It's so cute!!! All I have so far is a F21 sweater and a pink bag that would work. I need everything else xD