Good morning!
Another day of quarantine, Another day of shitty weather, But I refuse to lose my optimism.
The quarantine in Israel got a little more strict, And I think it's for the best. It's the only way we can stop all this, I don't know how long will it take, but I know it's the only way to do it.
Yesterday I wrote that I had a bad stomach ache, Well today it is a little better and I only took 1 pain killer instead of 2 lol
I hate taking them but on this time of the month the pain is stronger then me..T_T
Well today I wanted to blog about something fun, PiyoChu Purim hangout!
Just before all this happened it was Purim, which is the Jewish costume holiday a little similar to Halloween, But you have to look happy and funny and not scary XD
That day I had to work but surprisingly they didn't need me the whole shift, Only for commercial work, So I got off work at 11 am! Then I told Emi and we met at my house, First of all,We gave each other the Purim traditional Mishloach Manot, Or a Purim basket, Which is a package full of candies and happiness:D
Then We did our makeup to go out!
Since we didn't really make any costume, We decided to go manba for Purim!
I definitely don't see it as a costume, But it's a good reason to walk around not fearing anyone will look at you in a weird way lol
On our way to the bus
We wore summer clothes but we had our blanketsXD So it was a slumber party mood all dayXD
Ordering Fruit shake
Always in the way of me taking selfies
I didn't do this kind of manba make for a really long time~
I think my skills have gone a little rusty but I'm still happy with the result!
Manba Sisters!
I really wanted to get this skirt lolol
Purim is THE time of the year to get weird stuff for a daily use lolol
I didn't get it though cause we wanted to save money for air hockey and purikura
Just hanging next to the puri machine
If you're interested in buying all kind of used items send a message to Emi XD
Then we went to play some air hockey and take outfit pics
With our matching poshetto I got for us~ Super trendy in 99'
Skirt...Shuk Bezalel
Hair Accessory...Paris Kids
Phone strap...100en shop brand, LoveBoat
Bracelets...Hand made, off brand, Aloha Lovers, etc
Bonus ugly egg pose
We did some TikToks as well, You can follow emi to watch themXD
Air hockey<33333
When people asked us what is our costume we said barbie
the look on their faces... XD

On our way home
Emi with her signature look

It was really fun to do manba make! I can't wait for things to be normal again so we can go out in manba again;-;

Well, today's plans are again cleaning but this time- my bedroom:O
I really need to vacuum and see what's going on in my closet.

Also I wanna finish decorating some pics and make the photo board for my bedroom with all the disposable camera photos I have..
Well not ALL of them cause I have too many lol I need a new album
Hope everyone is well and not going crazy at home!
Ganbatte ne!

Major inspo!!!! ToT
Thank you!!༼∩✿ل͜✿༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚
削除looks so fun ;_; <3
返信削除Manba is always fun!^^