It's super lateee but I really wanted to blog todayT_T
That's ok though, Cause tomorrow I have a day off~~
In today's post I wanted to tell you about last weekend when I went strawberry picking with Hatuli, Emi & Yan!
They came to pick us up in the morning
Hatuli was still tiredXD
We stopped on the way to buy some snacks
and then we drove to this field where you get to pick strawberries and eat them right away!

The strawberries with the little flowerssss so cute!
With Miyu rin <3
We picked as many as we ate lol we all couldn't resistXD

Hatul is a kogyaru
Spring is hereeeeeeee

PiyoChu <3

The strawberries were super big and red and yummy, And we also got boxes to fill and take home^^
I love the sun
My box<3 We took one home and one for my parents^^

We also took many pics on the field but some of them are on the disposable camera so I'll have to wait till I finish it and get in developed~
Yan pooping between the strawberries

jk www
Hatul the photographer

Potatoes in front of a potato field

I'm so happy we went there! Every year I wanna go and somehow it never happened, But this time we went and with Emi & Yan too! It was super fun!
Part 2 of this fun day will be in my next post cause I really need to go to sleep~

Tomorrow I meet Innu & Emi in tlv^^
So for now, Good night!


Omg this is like something out of an old EGG article! Love these photos and you look so cute! Your bf makes a really cute kogyaru xD