Here is a very short post only for recent stuff I didn't update!:D
First of all- Outfit! I don't remember if I posted it before it's really old but I liked it so I'll post it [again?] or whateverXD
Bra top...Gina
Hair accessory...SBY
And 2 brand gets! That I think I've already posted also lol but I don't remeberXD
That what happens when you don't post for a month!!
Cher bag<3 I love Cher bags and I want every colorXD But I got this one that the stripes are a little short so it's not as comfortable as the bigger ones but the colors tho....<3
Tralala dress that was on my wishlist^^
I love that it's yellow!:D I have to find a special occasion to wear it before summer endsT_T
Oh and another outfit that I did when I went to Naama to watch A Hard Day's Night [The Beatles movie<3333333333]
Tank top...was my sister'sXD
Bag...Pink Latte shopper
accessories...eBay, Paris Kids, off brand
Shoes from tlv [central station] for 10 nisXD
Hair~~ And no makeT_T
Love of my life<3
Alsoooooo what's new??
My old nailsXD lol
I now have new ones so that's silly but those were my recent ones:
Summer Amekaji theme!<3
I really like the paisley and I wanna do it again in more colors:D Also I think the denim came out pretty... decent?
Well, Now I'm gonna go to sleep so bye for now!
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