I woke up and my hair is a mess I hope I can get it to be normal before I have to go out w
But also wanted to blog about the last time we went there together
(Hatul & me)

Pastel Georgiekaji
Plaid shirt...Aliexpress
Shushu...the drugstore
Ring...central station tlv
Point! Care Bears<3
It was two weeks ago the day after Hatul's Bday~
On Friday morning we made a big meal again like the night before, But this time it was for Hatuli's parents as well~ He did everything I just helped w
It was more Italian this time

We sat in the kitchen after lunch and it was really nice, Drinking coffee and chatting~
Hatuli's mom told him he should do something to pull his hair back cause it was on his face and he replied aggressively so I brought him his kacchusa cause he wasn't nice
Then we went to my parents house just in time for dinner, Again another fancy meal lol and lots of
things Hatul loves cause it was his birthday~ Then also, My mom bought him this super cute cake!

It's a Merry Go Round cake! Each piece has a different flavor <3I ate the white one

And some random photo's from Hatuli's camera
The weather was so nice so we could sit in the garden.
And I was really happy this morning when I
woke up to see that today is also sunny and nice!

Well, I probably should get ready now cause I still need to catch the bus!

Have a lovely weekend everyone

Everything looks so yummy!!!!!! I want to eat it all!!!!! And I love those camera photos. So serene and calm <3
返信削除OMGGGGGG the cakeeeee TAT!!
返信削除AND UR CO*DE, again kuma kei ;)
פו- פו- פו- פולנטה!!!!!!!!!!!! ;;