So every year I choose a theme for the tree, Last year it was Aloha and the year before it was all pink
and fluffy, So this year to fit the style of our home I decided to do it retro style!

I went for the traditional red, Gold and green, And I found some really cute retro pop decorations!

I put it next to his hobo box w
I think the tree looks really good in our living room cause it's all red and green anyway

And the best part-
Noy made a special xmas decoration for me! And it's perfecttttttttttttt
No words can describe how much I love itXDDD
Thank you for supporting my obsession love, Noy!:D
Tomorrow I work a split shiftT_T I work in the morning from 7~10 and then I come back to work at 18:00~23:00 T_T my god

Yesterday and today were HARD my body all hurt from carrying so many things and running for 10.5 hours :'D
Well, At least my second FRIL order is on it's way and also my Secret Santa present is here! I need to
go and pick it up hopefully tomorrow!

Gonna go clean my room before I go to sleep cause I literally can't find anything there anymore
w w

I hope I'll have time to blog tomorrow but still don't know;-; We'll see~ So until my next post, Have a lovely week!
That deco noy made is so cool XDD that tiny pink tree is so me, I'd sit next to it with the cat lolol
返信削除Lolll yeah I love pink Christmas decorations^^ But this year went for something different and I love it as muchXD
削除Your Christmas tree is so pretty! It's so cute that you created one for you cat as well. I'm loving that decoration Noy made hahaha
返信削除Thank you so muchhh<333
削除And yeas I had this tiny tree from years ago when I loved in a 1 room apartment and had no space XDD
I love your tree!!! And you made one for the baby how cute XD And he has a hobo box XDDD
返信削除hahahahaaaa thank you!XD
削除He loves that box
I want to buy him a bed but he usually just sleep in our bed when we're there and in the box when we're out lol so I wonder if he would even use the bed or what w