Vest...central station tlv
Shushu...the drugstore

On Friday night we had a family dinner as always, And this time my grandma also came to stay at my parents so it was really nice<3
Some of the veggie dishes they made just for me lol
For dessert my dad brought Turkish ice cream and it was *______________________*
It's probably the best ice cream I've had alongside Haagen-Dazs Brownie Macchiato 

Then on Saturday we had a big breakfast with everyone again
, Then went to visit my other grandparents and then went back home

Yesterday's outfit
Hoodie...central station tlv
Denim shirt...second hand
all other items are in the first outfit's break down^^ Tried to take as little with me lol
Also when I was putting on the denim shirt I felt like there is something in the pocket, I looked and there was my BLESS necklace I thought I lost like two years ago!!!

Thank god it's silver cause this shirt went through some washings lol and it's still perfect like the day I got itT_________T omg I missed it so much!
Today I took my Christmas tree out finally
and at first I didn't know what there I want to decorate it with this year but after I looked at it naked in my living room I knew for sure it has to be retro pop theme!
lol how didn't I think of that immediately?

So I looked for some retro pop Christmas trees and it seems like they all use long Santa decoration that looks hilarious, Gonna try and find something lol
the colors will be red, green and yellow so it's the easiest colors to find for xmas decorations, And I
already have quite a lot from last year's Aloha themed tree

Tonight there is a GoGo video call and I hope I can make it! I'll have my makeup on anyway so that makes thing easierXD we'll see~
Hope you have a lovely day and week!
ok first of all, i will never believe that u were thinking of me because i could never be inspo for something so cute 😭😭😭
返信削除second, i can’t wait to see u in the gogo chat!!!
So happy you get to spend time with your family. And omg that ice cream *o*
返信削除AAAA u found ur bless necklace
返信削除?¿?! It's christmas miracle WW So happy for you!!! aLSO THE FIRST GEORGIEKAJI IS SO RANZUKI AND SO PERFETTTTTT I can'tttt
Those kabochasssss look super yummy T3T tabetaiiii
btw I love that u now have stablished that bag as ur official kuma kei bag w
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