Hi Hi!
I made some coffee and sat to continue reading Yunkoro's blog:P
In the beginning of her blogging days she would make some long posts about herself and her feelings and they are very interesting to read~

It IS a little hard though cause she used a lot of slang and casual talk and the translation is so poor sometimes.. So today I was REALLY interested to read one of her posts so I just translated it to hiragana and tried to read and looked up the words I couldn't understand so I finally got the right meaning of the whole post:O I could understand a little bit more then half of it by myself but some words were new to me.
Anyway, She was writing about how people see her and how some people think the wrong way about her personality and making her look like the type of people she herself really hate, And so she is trying to speak about her feelings and say that even though she is a very straight forward person she is actually trying to be a good person and in the end she asks, "Now that you know all of this, Do you still think I'm that way?"
It's really interesting for me to read all those kind of posts by gal models cause it gives you a little inside look on their world and communication with other people and they suddenly look so much more human~
Sorry for the long post lolol
Anyway, To another thing!
Today I went to see my grandparents^^ My grandma is always making food on Saturdays and we go to visit and eat together and sit together but since this whole situation of course it's too risky to get close to them and so she made me some of that food to take away:DDD
Plaid shirt...Aliexpress
Today I have nothing special to do no makeup live or anything :O Which is also kinda nice cause I can read Yunkoro's blog all dayXD
He likes his box
I might make some blog content I planned but we'll see~
What is he doing for god's sake
So I' might blog again tonight, I still wanna do that skin care post I wanted to do since the beginning of quarantine lolol
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削除אני פשוט *אוהב* אותםXD כאילו אני מכיר אותןXDDD
That food looks so good ToT Can grandma make me some? xD