Just a small up before my live with Mayu^^
I'm trying to look through my endless gyaru inspo folders for some makeup that I wanna try.
I think I wanna do some 2009~2010 Ranzuki makeup,
I'm gonna share some pics in the end of this post^^
For today's breakfast I had some healthy snack~ 2 bananas with raw tahini & honey
It's super heavy so I'm very full rnXD
Also I read some 2001 egg that this nice gal scanned and posted on sng
There are so many cute coords there!! The atsuzokos!T_T
I'm so inlove with her styleT_T So effortless and kakoii!!
I feel really inspired by lately but the sad thing is. That when I'm really inspired I feel like getting new clothes, And I can't cause I really need to save my money:(
Anyway, After reading some egg I hang the laundry like every day:P
Orange laundry day!
And now I'm sitting with Kve again and looking at some inspo
So here is what I wanna do

Like.. Big eye with big lashes (top and bottom) and a gap between the lash lines~

And lots of blush:P
I haven't done this makeup in a long time but I'm gonna try my best:D

So I'm gonna go get ready! Be sure to watch us on Instagram live in half an hour:D

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