Hi Hi~~

I don't know what it is, But I woke up with it and it got worsts the time passed.. My neck and collar bones are very itchy and so are my cheeks and eyesT_T I try not to touch it but still it feels really itchy and looks disgusting :(
I went to get allergy pills after talking to an online doctor as well that said that it's allergy. I really hope tomorrow it will get better

Today I woke up and continued reading some blogs~
Last week I started translating posts that really interested me like makeup reviews or event reports; Since I can read hiragana and katakana and veeeeery little kanji I can read some of the stuff but what I di it just translating it all to romaji with google translate and then I read it and translate the words I don't know. Turns out I can understand more then half of it without checking the dictionary but there are some words I don;t know so I check and that way I learn new words and also practice what I already know^^ And the best thing is- it helps me understand what is written lolol

I translate the posts in my pooh san notebook~~ I also try to go through some grammar stuff I forgot\didn't know but that has always been my weaker sideT_T
At 14:00 I met Emi on InstaLive and we did our makeup together!

We did banba make cause of the recent banba boom in the community! But I'll blog about it in another post~
My outfit to go and get allergy pills XD I wore atsuzokos cause I missed them
Knit...bought in Jerusalem
Shoes...Atta Girl
Necklace...Love Boat
Also yesterday's Georgiekaji to the supermarket
Cardigan...Bezalel market
Shorts...from Korea
Shoes...ACDC Rag
Bracelets...$ store
Today's lunch was quinoa and beans with some ketchup on top:D I love quinoa!!!
Also last night Hatuli made Basque cheese cake! It's the ugliest cake ever cause it's like "do it all wrong cake" but that's what makes it so good:DD
I think I'm gonna go to sleep earlier tonight cause the allergy is really annoying and it makes me upset and tired

Well, Good night!
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better dayXD
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