I'm so glad we live so close cause even though we're in kind of a lockdown it is possible to move from
her city to mine:O thank god

I did my regular
with Daiso lashes & Nudy eye but unfortunately I didn't have brown lenses so I used my Princess Mimi again and even though it looks cute I think it could look better with other lenses~

I used those eyeshadows for the first time~ It's a Canmake mini palette caller Four Shin Eyes
The colors are really cute, But I thought they would be more... ShinyXD They're pretty matt but that's
ok I have other kirakira brown eyeshadows

Casual outfit~ With my new boots finally
Skirt...DonDon Down
Tank top...Momo

Then we took some pics!
I will edit more decome with them today!
Before going out to grab a bite
Emi with her iconic winter look- the tissue in one nostril

We went to the center of the city and got something to eat at the Japanese food court
I'm ready to eat!

Then we sat nearby and ate, there were a lot of people out tbh
But we sat far away from them w

Then we went to the pet shop and I got some food for Kve

Emi did a video of me taking pics
It was really fun and we talked a lot about how much we wanna be in TokyoT_T
We carried with the conversation so much that Emi missed her last bus ww but luckily her bf came to pick her up!
It was really fun
and I'm really glad that I can meet friends cause Hatul is at work all day and I'm really lonelyT_T

I might also get a haircut this week!
I hope:D

I love this post so much!! U both are soo pretty <33
返信削除Thank you cutie<333
削除You guys are too cute!! I think your makeup looks great with blue/grey lenses :3
削除I like light colored lenses but I feel like my makeup lately is more "warm" and I want brown\gold lenses to go with it:3
This was such a feel good post!! And I lovee that cardigan ♡ ♡
返信削除Thank you so much sweetheart!<3333
削除You gals are so precious. Also I love your hair this way!♥
返信削除Ooooh thank you!^_^ I'm trying to experiment with hair as much as I can now!
返信削除THE BOOTS T3T !!!!!
削除I kinda feel like I wanna wear those boots with every thing lolol even if it doesn't fitXD But I hold myself ww
I absolutely love these kind of posts and it makes me miss meeting up with my gals SO much! And I'm missing Tokyo so much as well 😭
返信削除Oh I miss Tokyo like crazyT_T
削除It comes and goes kinda like I have times when I would literally cry cause I miss it and now it's those timesT_T