It is a second post for todayXD
I'm at my parents' and I have some time so I thought I'd make a GET post since I have like 3 in line and I haven't done one in a long time!

Well today I'll show you the stuff I got from FRIL!

Since I have a 2007 boom lately and very specifically Tsu chan boom, I NEEDED new stuff.
I'm really into balloon dresses lately and I got me one to try and see if it looks cute^^
I loved it!
I love the black x pink combo which is my fave lately
and the fact that it has a matching scarf:D

I ordered this one inspired by Anna Yanno and Azu and I plan to wear it with white boots^^
This dalmatian柄 tunic that I ordered cause of Tsu
~ Both the dress and this tunic are off brand btw

Some mokomoko stuff! I got too many hats lately ww
BUT! This pink Valentine's High hat was my dream item for yearsssss and I bought it too many times lol and each time it was cancelled

But finally I have it!
(I have a VH hat in white already and I just love it so much that I had to get another color)

Also I got that LDS mokomoko bag~ I love the color of it and I LOVE that it came with this Boof meigurumi!

The white pompom hat is also cause of Tsu~
The brand is Love Girls Market and I really can't wait to wear it already!
This set by Pinky Girls that you already saw on my post about the Akipoyo Christmas meet~ Pink Santa!

Annnnnd another obsession of mine, Gilfy:P
That necklace is A MUST item and I feel like it fits at least 80% of my wardrobe w
Also I finally got another dream hat I have, That
collabo hat! I also want the other color way (black&blue) but purple is always no.1

What collabo can be more perfect?? Rokku Kumatannnnnnnnn
I have a few more things I got from FRIL, I pretty much lost it lately:P But I haven't shipped them yet~
I have 2 more GETS posts planned one from SHEIN and one is just random gets from tlv:P
Well, I'm gonna go take a shower, We're having dinner later and I wanna get ready:D
הכל מושלםםםם!! תתחדש
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תתחדש הכל סופר מושלם!!
返信削除כבר רוצה לראות עוד גקטס (⌒▽⌒)☆
בכלל תודהההה
削除ואני כבר צילמתי רק צריך לכתוב~~
ולא נעים לי מעצמי אבל יש עוד חבילה של שין שלא קיבלתיT_T
ommggggggg these items!!!!! @o@!!!!!
返信削除That blackxpink dress is a classic!!! I can't wait to see you in it! And you know I love the pink heart dress *o*
DESHOU?? I feel like it's a classic too!! 2007~2008 barbie gone gal style:D
削除the hiki necklace ;) tehe!!!!
返信削除I love all of ur gets(how surprising ¬¬)!!! love the tsuchan boom
yesyesyes ofc the hiki necklaceeee:DDD That I forgot at my parents house last weekend w baka me
削除I will get it next week I hope cause I already wanted to wear it with the outfit I was wearing with Emi and I feel it would have been hiki to wear it with this outfitttttttttT_T