I only did 2 yesterday though which is good cause it means I did other things as well w

Anyway w
I wanted to show you my Christmas presents!!

My secret Santa was Mayu<33
THAT SCARF is so perfect!!! It really makes me wanna wear seifuku with it the colors are so so so
perfect! And you have no idea how soft it isT_T

Also Mayu knows I love mug cups ww
The one she got me is really wintery and adorable I love it!

I love everything and can't wait to use it! This Mickey uchiwa will look supper cute with my yukata that I HOPE that next summer I'll get to wearT_T
I also got a Christmas present

As she organized the Secret Santa project on GoGo Gyaru, She didn't really participate herself so I told her I'll be her not so secret Santa so she will get another present as well:D
And then she was my Santa too!!! So look at the adorable stuff she got me!
First of all- Pooh san. My lord and savior.
And also all the colorful accessories ugh I love itT_T
The gun necklace is really the highlight though www Emi knows I'm trying to be as badass as Tsubasa

Thank you so much Mayu & Emi!!!

I wish we got it the day before when we were all together but of course I sent it immediately to Akipoyo!

Thank you so so so so much Anke!!!

I'm now going to the post office cause I got a message telling me I've got something

I don't know what it is maybe something from eBay ww

Have a lovely day everyone!<3
Ahhhhh that's all so cute! Love everything you got! Everyone is so sweet to each other ;_;
返信削除Thank you sm!^_^
削除They were so sweet and I'm so happyT_T<3
Pooh san being ur lord and saviour ww I can't 888!! And u are already as kakkoi as tsuchan ;)
返信削除aaaaa u got so many cool things, I'm happy for u!!!
削除I will never be half as kakkoii as tsu chan but I ganbarimasu every day!!!