This is a boom alert

It started when 2 days ago I was editing some photos for my blog. Lately I've been pretty lazy with edits (colors) so I use my basic option that I have on my phone even though I have VSCO and Camera360 especially for that.
It's just that the mendoukusai in opening every photo in a different app and all....

So while I was editing colors I noticed I have many options in the edit mode like adding text, painting, and adding stickers! Just like in LINEcamera that I usually use for those kind of things, But even easier!
Since it's now 2007 what will the gal culture be without decome?
So what is Decome?

In Japan, The biggest phone operator NTT Docomo has an option to create and sent Deco-mail which is usually used for greetings, Blogging, Fan culture and so on. Back in the day Decome looked like this:
Gals were big fans of decome since their goal in life was pretty much deco-everything w
If you remember a lot of Japanese pages uploading gal photos with those edits:

Oh, And what we use on our blog to decorate the posts is also Decome!XD
Decome can be used also as Deco-message which are those blog decorations~
Some gals used to create their own blog decome which is really cool!
The only thing that I still can't do is making if a moving gif w but that's ok
Anyway, I really like this aesthetic, And I tried to create edits like that for along time with a lot of apps and it never had the look and feel that I wanted, But now with the edit of my phone it's so easy??
It really reminds me of my blog back in 2007 for real where I used to write on my photos with I don't even remember what but it was definitely not any app on my phone w I had a stupidphone back then and it was in times where Japanese Ke-tai (mobile phones) were much smarter then western ones and had so many more options
Well now I have my smart ke-tai and I can do my own Decome and I'm telling you now IT Is ADDICTING

I did some simple ones at first
And then it started to get serious www
I love how casual it is that you don't need any app and everything looks kinda low quality w
It's always my aesthetic I love that wwww
And finally I could redecorate my blog!!!
I haven't done that in 2 years or something like that!

I loved my 99' design but I did an Imechen in the last few months and it didn't sit right anymoreT_T
So what do you think of the new design??
I can't wait to make more decome and see what other gals do^^!
If you have any questions I'm here<3
Love u~~

תתחדש על הבום!!! XD
返信削除שלך יוצאים הכי מושלמים כמובן כי אתה הטסובסה של 2020- אוי, אני מתכוון 2007!!
בכלל 2021 כבר איפה אני חיי
削除לא הכי מושלמים אבל תודה על המחמאה אהוביT_T<3
削除ובכלל הלוואי ויום אחד באמת אהיה טסובסה.............................
ושנייה רגע מה 2020 מה 2021 אתה צוחק עליי? עד אז אנשים ילבשו בגדי כסף ויטוסו לעבודה בחללית לא
Yessss I'm loving it all!!!! And you inspire me yet again!!!! I love this current boom~
削除I wanna see your deo as well*0*!!!!
T 3 T YESS YESS yes AND 190749838 times yes ;v; ur decome r 100% perfect and siper authentic (and u know I'm on the same boat when it comes to low quality and all)
返信削除Even since the day I started doing this I was thinking I wanna make one for you too send me your favorite selfieeeeeeeeeeee plsssssssssssss