What do you think

JK! It's a Pricila bangs exte 

I could trick some of you but some already knew it was fake w! Thanks for all the sweet comments on IG though!
For a while now I'm thinking about cutting my bangs cause I think a lot of hairstyles looks cuter with bangs and also it fits my Tsu chan boom

I really couldn't decide and then I remembered I had this Pricila bangs exte that Nettan gave me long time ago~ It was pretty long side bangs and I just decided to cut it to the shape I want and if it looks cute I can use it instead of cutting my own hair w
Cause tbh, I really hated having real bangs, My hair gets really basabasa and quickly loses the shape of the bangs and also I had to cut it like every 2 seconds>< ALSO, I think I look better without bangs tbh
Anyway, I really like the result! I think it looks cute and will probably look better with makeup, so I'll
use it when I feel like having bangs^^

lol I seriously thought it was real. It matches so well with your hair! That's a great idea if there are some days you want bangs.
返信削除haha yay!!:D
削除It feels a little weird like I'm a different person! But that's also part of the fun w