jk, It's 2021 the year of the Ox :P oh wellXD
To celebrate the new year's eve, Hatul and I had a traditional Japanese meal called Osechi!
To celebrate the new year's eve, Hatul and I had a traditional Japanese meal called Osechi!
It's a layered box of small dishes that symbolize luck and fortune for the new year^^ The layers symbolize the continuity of the good luck, And to share an Osechi is the traditional way to eat for families!
I wish we had a big jubako (the layered box) but also thank god we didn't cause then it means more stuff to prepare and I was DEAD w
We were only 2 people so even though the traditional way of organizing a jubako is in 3,5,7.. It was more comfortable to organize in even numbers w I don't know what it means for good luck etc
First box is for appetizers~
Second for simmered dishes
And third is basically for sweeter foods (purple kurikinton?? w)
We also had Namasu salad
And Ozoni which is a mochi soup, That usually is eaten on the morning of the 1.1, But we knew that in the morning we will have no time:(
I'm so proud! Made a lot of those myself^^
There we A LOT of preparations and I was after a very hard 2 weeks, The last 2 weeks of the year. I'll write more about it in my next posts but, As I mentioned, I was VERY tired. So coming home in the afternoon and cooking till so late made me even more exhausted lol I barely remember anything w
But I'm so happy I could share the evening with my Hatuli and we had yummy food<3
Even if we fell asleep of the couch 2 seconds after dinner w
Of! And we also had anko mochi for dessert!
All the recipes are from OnlyOneCookBook which is a really cool website with all the Japanese cooking recipes you could dream of! I always use it^^
So before I finish this post I wanna wish you a wonderful and happy new year!
I hope this year we could go back to normal life, We could actually enjoy it, Enjoy life, Be healthy and happy and lucky! Let 2021 be a year of appreciating life<3
Also I wanna thank everyone who had been reading my blog this year, Being so kind and supporting. I wanna thank for new friends I made this year and new experiences I had, Good and bad. I appreciate it all! I hope next year will bring more good then bad to all of us~

Love you!
Ahhhh everything looks so good!!!! Amazing job~
返信削除Also I wish this new year is amazing for you as well. Congrats to us. We made it through 2020. Let's own 2021!♥
Thank you so much^^! I was really proud of myself tbh that's probably the thing I'm happy about in 2020 that I got over my hate and fear of the kitchen!
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